Something different – The World’s Six Best Doctors
STEVE JOBS... THE WORLD'S BEST SIX DOCTORS The world’s six best doctors… worth reading twice!! Steve Jobs died a billionaire at age 56. This is his final essay. I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In some others' eyes, my life is the epitome...
2018 TaxTime
2018 TAXTIME Some issues as detailed below - worth a quick read, if they apply. Superannuation – Now claimable for many. Until July 2017 if your employer supported you with super, you couldn’t claim any extra super you paid unless it was part of a salary...
Summer in Australia – What we all know!!!!
SUMMER IN AUSTRALIA...... What we all know!!!! The best car park is determined by shade, not distance. You wake up in a sweat at 6:00 am. Hot water comes out of both taps. A cup of ice is a great snack. You develop a fear of door handles. You master steering the car...
You’ve Got to Move It!!!
YOU'VE GOT TO MOVE IT!!! So much as changed in the last 20 years due to technology. Now that I.T. revolution is causing poor posture, and a lot of subtle, or not so subtle, back and neck and other health issues. You know the score – you are probably living with some...
Avoiding Cybercrime and the Scam
AVOIDING CYBERCRIME AND THE SCAM Attacks can be very basic or quite sophisticated. The very basic scam, such as sending a bogus invoice in the hope that a well-meaning staff member will pay it, is still widely used. Not falling for this type of scam involves staff...
New rules for some Rental Property Deductions
NEW RULES FOR SOME RENTAL PROPERTY DEDUCTIONS The budget has proposed (and they will soon be law) two unusual changes, one impacting any current rental property owner and the other impacting those buying a rental property. Both will apply from 1st July 2017. Travel...
A Reality Check
A REALITY CHECK The table below was produced by the Association of Superannuation Fund (AFSA). To summarize, costs have increased from 1.0% in Brisbane to 1.8% in Sydney over the last 12 months. Think electricity, rates, private health insurance, car costs and many...
Super Contributions & First Home Buyers
SUPER CONTRIBUTIONS & FIRST HOME BUYERS Super is Now Tax Deductible for (nearly) EVERYONE From 1 July 2017, if you cannot “salary sacrifice” (which provides an immediate tax saving) you can still contribute up to $25,000 p.a into your super fund and all...
The 2017/18 Federal Budget
THE 2017/18 FEDERAL BUDGET What as that???? and New GST on overseas purchases A flawed fiddle is probably the best was we would describe last week’s Budget. We’ll leave it at that. There is very little impacting on anyone before 30 June 2017. But we warned – a...
Cyber security/hacking and your business
CYBER SECURITY/HACKING AND YOUR BUSINESS In the lead up to the French presidential elections, Mr Macron had his emails hacked. And last week, over 200,000 computers in 150 countries were corrupted with ransomware. Massive cost and disruption to those...