Attacks can be very basic or quite sophisticated. The very basic scam, such as sending a bogus invoice in the hope that a well-meaning staff member will pay it, is still widely used. Not falling for this type of scam involves staff training. You need to be wary of anything that offers something for free, especially if it involves opening a pop up box or a link or downloading software.
Talk to your computer expert for more about your situation but here are some basic rules:
- DO NOT open attachments or click on links in emails or social media messages you have received from strangers – just press delete.
- Keep your computer security up to date – anti-virus and anti-spyware software and a good firewall. And all patches installed.
- Run virus checks regularly.
- Backups are gold. Store back up offsite and offline.
Multiple surveys in the last 2 years show that 50-55% of all business have experienced a cyberattack or a data breach. Will you be next??
And as a last resort, you can insure against this risk. We do.
NOTE: The information above is, of necessity, general in nature. It should not be relied upon. For more targeted advice, please contact our office or your super/finance consultant or ASK us to direct you to one of our network of experts.
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